Wednesday, December 20, 2023
I am at Sam Houston Jones State Park near Lake Charles, Louisiana. I arrived around 4PM, not enough time to do a bike ride unfortunately. I did my 10K steps. I met a woman named Melita. She seemed interesting, dressed in a manner I liked, casual nice with some touch of art hippiedom. We talked for about ten minutes. There were bugs out, namely mosquitos, or else we might have talked longer. She is traveling in a van with two dogs, Cricket (10 years old) and Max. She sold her farm in New Jersey in August, and she has been traveling four months. She is not sure where she wants to settle. Anyway, she has plans with her kids for the holidays. She said she is headed to Big Bend after the holidays. She’s never been there, she said. I told her I just came from there and to let me know if she had any questions about it.
I continued my walk after we talked. First I went back to my van and used some OFF so I did not get bothered anymore by mosquitos. As I passed the restrooms, I heard some dogs barking. I saw some animals running and I wondered what could be happening. Were there coyotes here? I could faintly see what looked like two dogs running, and in a short time I realized it was Cricket and Max. They had somehow come loose, apparently. I called to them. Cricket came to me, leash hanging from his neck. Max did not. I began walking back
towards the direction from which they had come. I also saw what appeared to be a flashlight walking towards me (I had a light on, too). In about a minute, I met up with Melita and explained what I saw and did. She took the dogs and explained what happened from her perspective. Did she say thanks? No, oddly enough.
There is a swamp-like pond here with those fat-at-the-bottom trees. I took many photos near sunset, ones with a lot of reflections in the pond.
I would stay here again.