Wednesday, April 5, 2023
I did a twelve-mile walk today. It felt great! About half of those miles were in the fields at Tarrywile Park. Tarrywile is a nesting area for many species of birds. Walking along the path, through the brush areas and wetlands, along tree-lined stone walls, was a wonder of sounds. There were so many birds! Their singing was part entertaining, part relaxing. It just seemed wonderful and amazing as their sounds really filled the air. It was a playful walk, fun, and inspirational. It’s amazing how much fun seeing a new bird show up on the list can be. I felt like a happy little kid!
Here is the list of birds found by Merlin (free app from Cornell) over a 30-minute period of time. Merlin's Sound ID listens to the sounds and matches to the bird in its database of bird sounds. Merlin will also give you multiple photos of most of the birds in the app, as well as samples of the various sounds they are capable of producing. It was quite a day ...
1. American Black Duck
2. American Crow
3. American Goldfinch
4. American Robin
5. Black-capped Chickadee
6. Bluejay
7. Brown-headed Cowbird
8. Canada Goose
9. Carolina Wren
10. Eastern Towhee
11. European Starling
12. Golden-crowned Kinglet
13. House Finch
14. House Sparrow
15. Mourning Dove
16. Northern Cardinal
17. Northern Flicker
18. Northern Mockingbird
19. Red-bellied Woodpecker
20. Red-tailed Hawk
21. Red-winged Blackbird
22. Song Sparrow
23. Tufted Titmouse
24. Virginia Rail
25. White-breasted Nuthatch