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Eastbank Campground

Lake Seminole
Lake Seminole

After two weeks at Fort Pickens, I left for Eastbank Campground on Lake Seminole. It is an Army Corp of Engineers campground located on the Georgia-Florida border. The closest town is Chattahoochee, Florida. On the plus side, it’s a nice quiet place only about ten miles from I-10. There are a great variety of birds. It has a forest all around it as well as a lot of trees spread throughout the campground. It has large campsites, almost all with electricity. Sunsets are fantastic. There’s something great about the way it happens over the lake. The air and light feel great.  

I spent two weeks here last year. I learned I had Covid the day after I left Savannah, and I used the park as my place of convalescence. I did not like having Covid, but my symptoms were not too bad. After a few days, I felt myself feeling better. I had hit an inflection point in the progression, and though slow, recovery began. I was by no means feeling normal, strong, or “good.” I took a several days off from biking, but I resumed riding on Day 11.

This may sound odd to some, while hitting true with others. On the third night of my Covid, my fever rose to 101 and I was not feeling good. I was concerned my fever would keep rising, making me less able to help myself. I said a prayer for things to be better. I fell asleep shortly after. In the morning, my fever had retreated. I felt good about the change. I had a kind of wow feeling. It combined a number of factors. Short term issue. Breath of fresh air. Awe, wonder, fear, uncertainty … Would I have felt better anyway, without any prayer? Is it just a coincidence I said a prayer and soon felt better? Is there a higher power that “heard me?” That felt my presence? Can’t say for sure, but you know what you know.

Anyway, back to this year’s trip … I had originally planned to drive one day from Fort Pickens to Savannah. I decided to make it a two-day trip with a one-night stopover at Eastbank. Then things changed. I decided to stay there longer, ending up making it a four-day stay. I enjoyed it greatly.


One could ride a bike on roads for many miles here. It’s all back roads and back-back roads. The issue with me doing this is I have become wary of loose dogs simply out doing what they love to do. Chase. Chase whatever happens to go by, be it a car, pickup truck or … bicycle. It happened twice on this trip. So, I opted to ride an out and back loop close to the park, which was a non-residential area. I rode a couple hours each day. I was happy with that.


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